Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Importance of snail mail.

Some of this blog may be repetitious from posts I have made
on this blog or my old blog, but some things
are worth saying more than once.
I am a lover of snail mail. 
Our mail carrying system, here in the Garden District
has lots to be desired yet
it has not stopped me from sending love via
a stamp and a post office.
I paint a lot, I paint daily, I paint because it is now
what I do for a living, painting home portraits.
That being said, I do little of what I used to do before
the painting gift, scrapbooking.
This weekend, I needed a thank you card
and I realized I was depleted on my homemade stash.
I will not buy a card.
One, they are way too expensive and two, it's not what I do.
I make greeting cards and have often thought before the
portraits that I would like to start my own greeting card line.
So, Saturday, I dedicated two hours to making hand made cards.
Nothing fancy, just set the timer for two hours and went at it.
I realized just how much I have missed making them.
How much a handmade card says to someone.
I always write personal love notes in any card i send
but the receiver has to know just how special they are to me
when they see "Mumsie's Cottage" stamp is on 
the back side. 
I know when I get a card or letter in the mail in the middle 
of bills and trash mail, I smile, i want to open it first.
I keep each letter or card I get because I know the person
spent time thinking of me. If a love letter is with it,
not just a signature, well that can change a life......
So go for it, make someone smile, if you are not a card maker,
they are two for a dollar at the dollar tree as well as
at Dollar General. If you want me to make you a bulk
for a lower price than Hallmark, let me know.
Whatever you decide, use snail mail, USPS
to send some love to a person who least expects it.
It does wonders for a persons day!

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