Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Importance of snail mail.

Some of this blog may be repetitious from posts I have made
on this blog or my old blog, but some things
are worth saying more than once.
I am a lover of snail mail. 
Our mail carrying system, here in the Garden District
has lots to be desired yet
it has not stopped me from sending love via
a stamp and a post office.
I paint a lot, I paint daily, I paint because it is now
what I do for a living, painting home portraits.
That being said, I do little of what I used to do before
the painting gift, scrapbooking.
This weekend, I needed a thank you card
and I realized I was depleted on my homemade stash.
I will not buy a card.
One, they are way too expensive and two, it's not what I do.
I make greeting cards and have often thought before the
portraits that I would like to start my own greeting card line.
So, Saturday, I dedicated two hours to making hand made cards.
Nothing fancy, just set the timer for two hours and went at it.
I realized just how much I have missed making them.
How much a handmade card says to someone.
I always write personal love notes in any card i send
but the receiver has to know just how special they are to me
when they see "Mumsie's Cottage" stamp is on 
the back side. 
I know when I get a card or letter in the mail in the middle 
of bills and trash mail, I smile, i want to open it first.
I keep each letter or card I get because I know the person
spent time thinking of me. If a love letter is with it,
not just a signature, well that can change a life......
So go for it, make someone smile, if you are not a card maker,
they are two for a dollar at the dollar tree as well as
at Dollar General. If you want me to make you a bulk
for a lower price than Hallmark, let me know.
Whatever you decide, use snail mail, USPS
to send some love to a person who least expects it.
It does wonders for a persons day!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

A time in my life...

I have always been blessed, for as long as I have lived,
to have nieces and nephews in my life.
Being born the baby of 7 children with 24 years between
the oldest in myself, I was basically raised with the
sibling offsprings more like siblings to me.
This post, however is not about their generation 
but their offspring, the next generation.

As I was looking for a photo to send along with my 
birthday love to Owen on his 16th birthday.
I have 25,000 photos and not much organization 
to it, so I knew that feat could take a while.
I also knew I would enjoy some of it.
This photo that I had forgotten came across and
although I did not remember the photo,
every memory of the day came flooding back.
It was a low point in my life, the end of a 30 year marriage.
 I was going to Thibodaux to meet up with family
 but I was not in the mood for a birthday celebration.
 That changed quickly as my niece, Rebecca not only makes 
the best cakes ever, but they also taste terrific, had made a special 
one for me. I walked into her home and there were her 
four children along with her two sisters, Tiffany and Tie, and their offspring.                                                                                                                                                                                                 I can still remember this small act of kindness                                                                                                                                                                                  toward their Great Aunt Lil and how it
changed the outlook of not just that day but my life.
I was uncertain of what my future would hold.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Each one of these seven children had made a difference to
who I was along with others that called me Aunt Lil.
That day I began to see a future and it was not so scary. 
I hoped each of these children would remember
 who I was to them as they grew up.
I always tried to spend time with the Greats,
a week with Auntie Lil during the summer, trying
to make as many of their extra curricular activities,
spending nights at their homes. I was always just 
a phone call away, and as I love saying so very often
I tried to be a "part of all their villages"
to the best of my ability.  
That day, the day they were still young but 
they made it a point to be there for Auntie Lil's birthday.
All of them now are between young adults and teens.
One a Mother, another soon to be a Mother.
One experiencing her first love, and one more
living in his own apartment attending college.
Still another, away in Alabama for college.
One in high school where his name is known 
and one more, the baby of the bunch, making milestones
as she acts and plays a musical instrument that is very rare.
My sister, Veronica's family.
Yet, I have many others with whom I could say are just
as special as these seven.
This day, I believe I probably should have been celebrating them,
they were full of love for me, with new outlooks that my single 
life would be okay and that I was loved by so many.
Wow, all of this while I looked through many photos
just to wish one a Happy Birthday!
Maybe another entry for the book.
Happy Sunday all!
                    (sorry for the typeset, I can't fix it)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


 I love a good podcast especially if it is an interview. It makes sense that I was drawn to an interview of an 105 year old woman. The inter...