Saturday, February 9, 2019


I often wonder if things lost are found and if not,
where are they now, the same as when people pass away,
I want to know "Where are they right now..."
Which brings me to my blog today.
I recently bought the new iPad Pro for the sole reason
of writing my book and it turns it into type.
I am writing my memories of being a childhood cancer
survivor through the eyes of my 5 year old self.
Since yesterday I have been obsessed with my brother, Peter's
graduation ring. You see when I was fighting my battle of
cancer my brother was fighting a different war, Vietnam.
I have been told the story that he had gotten a special family leave
to come home to see his sick baby sister.
In his travels, he took a ferry across the river and was
leaning on the ledge twirling his South Lafourche graduation ring.
I wonder what he was thinking, but regardless he
dropped his ring into the Mississippi river.
I have thought of this often through my life but more
since I and the Boo began Metal Detecting.
Finding the ring I am sure is almost impossible
as the weight of it probably had it sink right into the mud
But would it not be fantastic if that ring would be found
washed up to one of the lands of the Mississippi?
That would make for a great special interest story....

1 comment:

Tiff said...

That would be something special, should it resurface. However, I'm sure way back then, their name wasn't inscribed. Hum.....I wonder.....


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