Tuesday, October 9, 2018


I bought a refrigerator the other day...
It’s avocado green, cost 22dollars and...
Is 6 inches high.
You can’t store many groceries in it but it is 
Jam-packed with memories!
Yes, it is one I found when Tiffy and I were at the 
Pink Elephant I spotted it and immediately the memories 
Came flooding back. It is the piece that began my love for miniatures. 
I have thought of this piece many times and the rest of the kitchen set
That went with it so you can imagine my excitement over it.
Back in my early years of schooling, when I finally returned
In mid first grade, it was customary at Christmas time
For your parents to send a Small gift to school for the school
Xmas party, Santa would distribute those gifts. 
I remember unwrapping the sweet fridge and thinking 
I had the best gift of all the other children. 
I was not the only one who must have believed this
 as lots of my friends wanted to play with it.
I was not a selfish or mean child but that day I wanted my 
Possession to be only mine. I did not take it out the packaging until I got home. 
It may have had other pieces to it, but I only remember opening it up
And admiring the tiny ice trays and the glass looking ice cubes in it!
From that day one, everything little would infatuate me. 
And that same year, on Christmas morning was the
Sink, stove and dish washer to match!
One of my best gifts of all time. 
A long introduction to the fact that I love miniatures and I adore toys. 
All over my cottage I have mini reproductions of life sized things. 
.I have enough furniture to fill a few dollhouses and even built dollhouses for a while. Matter of fact, one of my reasons for completing my shop was so that I and the
 grandgirls can build a dollhouse together. 
 Friend, Connie, asked me the other day to post pics of my collection
And I had to tell her it is vast and all over my Cottage. 
Soon I will post pics. 
So now I am where I want to be with this blog...
What will happen to all my collections, mini’s being one of many?
I hope they are preserved, loved and added on to by the next owner. 
I cringe when I think of all my treasures being garage sold 
Or thrown out. I have shared this a few times with
Gypsy baby and she has replied the same way each time,
“Biatch, when you die, I’m just moving in my clothes!”
This always makes me laugh and gives me some peace,
Message of today:
Love something that is inanimate, share that with others.
Don’t let it be “off hands”
in that way your love of these objects carry on
the love you have of your people.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


(First excuse any typo’s as doing this on my iPad)
She walks in hot and disheveled. 
She asks for nothing except if the owner of
One of my favorite antique stores would be interested
In some rare, numbered plates. 
I am checking out an old doll refrigerator,
One I had as a kid, same color and all....
She is different from the beggar in the parking lot
Who holds a sign and asks Tiffy and I for money.
At first I am not sure if her identity is male or female
But then she turn to me and she is very female, 
Holding a sweet baby girl in her arms. 
She is a big baby, but her Mother carries her. 
They both are hot and sweaty, the baby not so clean
But definitely loved. 
What makes her different to me than the beggar I just told
“I have no cash”?
Because she is willing to give up something for help,
At first the male owner tells that he has lots of plates. 
As she pulls them out of her back pack, 
I realize she is not going to give up just yet. 
I don’t know her story but I know it’s one of survival. 
I understand survival. 
I open my wallet to pay and I hand her a few bills
Where no one can see. 
She asks “what’s that for?”
I shake my head, turn and continue checking out. 
I try to mind my own business but the owner has seen 
What I have done. He buys the plates. 
As she leaves she tells me in a low voice 
“God bless you”
I say nothing. The owner says to me
“ I was not going to buy those plates but I couldn’t let
You be the only one who helped.” 
I meant to keep this to myself but this morning my thoughts are only
Of this Mother and child. 
I hope they ate
 well last night. 
I hope they had a safe place to lay their head. 
The baby watched me the whole time. I hope as she grows life
Becomes easier for them 
Yet I have great respect for a Mother who carries her baby through
The scorching heat of Louisiana, selling something 
That probably was important to her but not as important as
Her child. I hope one day the Mother tells the child
About the kindness of strangers that was bestowed
To them “ That day”
Some may say I write this for the pat on the back. 
They would be wrong. 
I write this because whatever her story is, if we can,
We should help those who really are trying to help themselves. 
If I can spend two free nights at LeBerge Casino with my niece,
Who is more like my sister, and I can gamble a few
Twenties that I earn by selling my art, I surely can make sure this lil
Family eats. 
I don’t do it for the glory. 

Monday, October 1, 2018


If you are a big reader and not a music listener in the car, you have
to get the APP, Libby.
It is literally your library in your hand! 
I always listen to books in the car so this app has changed 
me from having to go to library to get cd books.
You can also read from the app.
Just link all library cards you have and you are there.
Which brings me to this blog....
Yesterday on the way home from the Boo's "La Maison"
(What we call his cottage home he is renting)
I am listening to a book as I always do and a sentence strikes me"
"I smile at my Daddy, the best gift a father can give his girls is worthiness,
that she is enough...."
Wow! It gets me thinking about a lot of things, to the point
that I still am thinking of it this am.
Us Mamma's we have to bring our girls up to be 
strong and independent or this world will eat them up.
But their Daddy's Oh their Daddys!
I think of my own Baby Boy and what he has with his girls.
I think of all the little girls out there without Daddy's.
I have a saying I always used to say,
"the best gift a Father can give to their children is to love their Mother"
So this other saying goes hand in hand with that.
The way a Daddy shows his daughters what they 
are worthy of is to show them how worthy their Mother is.
The old Poem, 
Teach a child....
says so much, so to you new and old Daddy's out there:
and Ange' and Sage, just starting their little family so young.
If you babies see affection between the two of you,
they may roll their eyes, they may be embarrassed but 
they love it. They will think, as I do,
"That is what I want when I grow up."
Save all arguments, disagreements, hostility for privacy.
Of course, it is also good for kid's to see their parents
work out a disagreement, but let them see partnership,
that no one is not more important than the other,
from the Daddy to the Mommy to the littlest of the little.
Worthiness. We all need it.
It is easy to forget the love you shared when the first
baby comes, like Ange' and Sage is feeling right now.
Because life and worries and finances and kids,
well they kind of get in the way.
So, I want to share two things in my own personal life
as to why this sentence hit me so strongly...

First, I was the baby of a large brood, some of my siblings
were already out of the home, my parents rarely showed
affection in front of me, towards the end when my Dad got 
sick he even made Momma cry sometimes, but up until 
the last day he could, every morning, Every morning,
my Momma was greeted with a cup of coffee in bed.
I have always remembered what a show of love from
this man to my Mother.
The second was my personal worthiness to my Daddy.
I may have shared this one before but it is worth restating.
I was teased lots as a child.
First because I was bald after chemo and then for a long
time for the curly mop of a head that replaced the baldness.
The way I dealt with it was I laughed, I laughed with all the
bullies and even friends who laughed or made comments 
about my hair. 
Yet at the end of the day, after the bus dropped me off,
I would go home and cry, not every day but especially the
days when one certain boy thought it was funny to take
his lollipop and smack it in my curly hair to see it stuck.
As I cried my Daddy, in his no nonsense way, would not
hug me or tell me it was okay or want to fight the bullies,
no every day when this event happened he said one sentence,
"Lilly, it does not matter what the World thinks of you, 
because when you come through that door you are loved."
Self confidence was given to me daily from that one sentence.
I believe it is a large part of why I am the confident person I am today.
So Daddy's you have an important job,
Show your children, especially your girls, their worth,
every day. Show them the worth of their mother and that
a family needs every part to be happy and healthy.
Thanks for reading my long thoughts this am.
I treasure all of you who follow me!


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