Wednesday, March 14, 2018

7 years and one day!

I am up early this morning,
Not only because its Mass day at St. John school,
not only because it is Mumsie Day
but my sweet Bean is 7 and a day!!!!
Yesterday was her actual birthday and I still
can't believe 7 years have passed that this child has been
in our lives. 
She is smart, cute, funny, sassy (in a good way)
and very loving to her sisters and family.
Saturday was her sleepover party and
it was fun watching her interact with her peers
as I taught them a scrap lesson.
It was a great day to celebrate her.
Seven years ago, I had just got over a back surgery
and I spent much time rocking her, playing,
watching in awe as she grew so fast.
She came to me at a very dark time in my life
and was the light that got me through lots
of challenging things.
For that, I believe we shall always have 
a special bond.
Love you Bean!
So glad you are ours!

Friday, March 2, 2018


A few weeks ago, we found out that my dear great niece,
Angelique, know as Ange' to us was pregnant.
Being a senior in high school,
well lets just say this is not the perfect time for her.
She and her sweet boyfriend, Sage were 
unexpectedly freaked out in the beginning.
They had goals, dreams for what they wanted to do
after graduation. 
They were both scared and even shocked.
It took them weeks to realize this was their future.
I am proud of the way they are handling this news.
Ange' telling me she will be the very best Mother she 
can. I have no doubt that she will,
as I can tell from communicating with her that she
is already in love with this child growing inside her.
Sage, having had a similar childhood as Ange'
is already making changes to ready them for this child.
(baby Ange')
One of Ange's biggest worries was that she had let so many
people down, she was disappointed in herself.
I shared with her, that yes, it would not be easy
and we can all think of the "should have, could have"
but all those worries are to be put behind as now
the child is here and she now has to focus on that.
I also shared with her one of my Motto's I have
used with others who have found themselves with an
unexpected pregnancy.
"All babies are miracles and they all come to us to teach
us something"
 Since then I try and send her words of encouragement
as I know she is afraid for many reasons.
Yet each day that passes I see her change from fear
to excitement. She is going to be a Mother...
I love this child, as I love all my great nieces and nephews
and I also believe her Hard life will have her trying 
to give the best she can to this baby.
 My reason for blogging this story, with Ange's permission
is last night I was watching on DVR, THE VOICE.
One of the young men interviewed spoke of his Mother,
"My Mom had me at 18 and raised me single handled.
It was always her and I and she always put me first 
sometimes working three jobs so I could have
what I needed.
so today I pray that I do well for her as I know it was
not easy for her but I love her for changing her
life to put me first."
I thought of Ange' and Sage right away.
Yes, they are young but I have no doubt,
whether they stay together as a couple or not, they both
will do all they need to do to put their sweet baby first.
My dear Ange' you have not disappointed me,
shocked, yes, disappointed, no.
This is your life, You and this baby and Sage's.
Put this sweet baby first always but don't put your
goals on the back burner as your goals
will change futures,
making your life and the life of this sweet child better.
So many have congratulated you, made comment like
"Oh, how cool" but the fact is, this will not be easy,
I know you understand that.
So enjoy the months you get to carry this child within
your body. Don't rush is, enjoy it as
once the baby comes, you will forever wear your
"heart on your sleeve"
I cannot wait when you first feel that flutter in your belly.
A feeling like when you are coming down on a ferris wheel.
One thing I know for sure, this baby will be loved.
and Love is sometime the most important thing you
can give a child. 
Throughout this journey there will be those who
say they want to help but when it get complicated
they will back out. You can never back out.
This baby will always be the first in your life.
However, there is much truth to the statement
"It takes a village to raise a child"
I am and always have been in your village, sweet one.
Don't forget the ones who have been there for
you your whole life not just now that you are with-child.
Of course I worry for your health and the health of this child.
I would support you in whatever decision you would have made
aside from abortion, but you and Sage, I believe, never
even thought that you two would not be the parents 
of this baby.
I repeat again, this is not a doll, it will be hard but
your heart will burst with love in a way you never imagined possible.
 Go forth, and show the world
how a teen Mom becomes the very best Mom she can be.
Who knows you may be carrying the future President of the US,
Or another just as important life. 
I love you my dear, Ange!


 I love a good podcast especially if it is an interview. It makes sense that I was drawn to an interview of an 105 year old woman. The inter...