Thursday, February 16, 2017


I have met someone, 
someone who I really like a lot.
Not sure where this will go and I am not
ready to see past one day at a time at this point,
so I am going to leave that explanation as that.
When we first started texting and talking,
we talked about lots of things...well I did because
you guys know I have diarrhea of the mouth.
Because we have different tastes in music it was one
of the things we spoke of.
About two weeks ago, I asked if he had ever heard
of the band Snow Patrol and their song CHASING CARS.
I had heard it while driving to play with the Grand Girls
and it reminded me of just how much I love it,
how much it says in just a few verses.
"No, I don't think I have."
I send him the words then challenge him to listen
to the song. I am not sure if he liked it right at first.
"Kind of mellow" he said.
I insisted he listen to the words,
then I sang him a part of it to his voice mail.
And I think he becomes a fan of the song.
THESE THREE WORDS becomes our little motto.
We discuss a sign I am making, big and wood,
and I ask his input one what I should put on it.
We decided it would be so cool to put
on the sign, it would be known by all exactly what
it meant and it would be a different way of saying 
I LOVE YOU without actually saying them.
I am sold on the idea, it will be the sign.
Then he asks if I want this beautiful screened wall divider.
YES!!!! of course I do, I can do so much of it.
He suggests a trade, the divider for the sign...
and now the sign has become more for me,
personal, we end each letter with that saying.
Honestly I am struggling with making it something
that he will love. Because he has also, fell in love with
the song, and the saying, it means more than just a sign
I am making to hopefully sell.
Valentines Day was approaching, I was hoping he would
ask me out for such a special day.
I make Banana nut bread, and a card and end it with 
these three words,
he does the same.
It was not Valentines Day yet,
we had contemplated, because he was working until 6 and
lives and hour away to just stay in and do take out
and a movie perhaps.
But there is something about Valentines Day 
and wanting to get dressed up nicely and see others
sharing their Valentines Day.
We settle on Portabello's which we both enjoy.
We are sitting there, in the darkened Portabello's
a candle at our table,  music is on low, waitress is also
speaking low, ambiance for my new found date.
Why is all of this long, story so important?
Before two weeks ago,
this man had never heard of SNOW PATROL
much less Chasing Cars.
Because he now has heard it a number of times,
knowing it is one of my favorites,
because I have sung it to him on voicemail,
because I had sang parts of it to him in person.
We began to call it "our song".
Back to Valentine's Day...
We are enjoying our meal, we are enjoying each others
company and there on the radio....
"If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me
and just forget the world..."
My reaction had to be priceless as my eyes opened wide,
my mouth open, and I pointed up to the speakers.
His was just as surprised.
We are quiet the whole time, well except
for me singing the whole song right there to him
in a restaurant that is fast becoming one of our faves.
You just can't make this thing up.
The song that came out in 2006, eleven years before
was playing right at the time we are sitting there.
So now we contemplate:
Coincidence, sign?
We don't know but I know this,
nothing could have made this night better except the fact
that this is now definitely OUR SONG 
and the one sentence that had already become ours
is now more special than ever....
Don't know where this relationship is going but
I know this, I will never hear this song,
listen to these words without bringing
memories of Valentine's Day 2017
Thank you, Snow Patrol, thank you, RL


Tiff said...

Wow have we got a lot to catch up on!!! ;-)

lilly riera said...

I need you over here soon!! I want you to meet this one! have a good trip!


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