Sunday, August 2, 2020


Yesterday afternoon after a long morning with
the grandgirls working the lemonade stand, just
as I was relaxing after they went home,
I get this awesome photo of my great Niece, Emalyse
sent by my nephew Miki.
To most, it's a cute photo of his beautiful girl bathing
getting ready to have a bubble bath.
(excuse my drawn in bathing suit top)
Yet for he and I, Oh for he and I, this
photo says so much more, sooo much more!

For Miki and I, Mr. Bubbles was a thing.
To assure understanding of why this photo pulled on
Aunt Lil's heartstrings, a history of Miki and I's relationship
must be inserted here.
Miki was born to my sister Rosie and his Dad, Pat Tamplain
when I was a Junior in high school.
Although I was close to all my nieces and nephews 
he and Minta, my niece were born at a time that I 
could have a more adult relationship with them.
Because he lived in Golden Meadow I had easy access
to him and boy, did I "access" him.
On the October day he was born, I remember walking 
the halls of South Lafourche not being able to wait to get
home to find out if we had a boy or a girl.
He was not just a boy, he was the cutest little ball
of white curly haired energy that I could have hoped for.
I finished nursing school, bought my dream car,
280ZX and most afternoons he was my copilot.
Because car seats were unheard of then,
 he stood in the front seat, singing along
to whatever Aunt Lil put on the radio. 
This boy knew his music.
He loved that my car talked to us, 
in a beautiful female voice, most often saying
"You are out of gas"
But what he lived for, was our almost daily trips 
to the store to buy, you guessed it,
Mr. Bubbles!
It was a favorite of mine as a child, coming
in a powdered concentration more like washing powder
than bubble bath. By the time Miki could 
enjoy it, they had a liquid form as well.
Bottle shaped like Mr. Bubble himself.
Our visits ended with a bath given by,
you guessed it, Aunt Lil.
The thing with Miki, just as he has lived the first half
of his life, nothing was in moderation.
A whole bottle of Mr. Bubbles went in the tub.
I won't ever know in his mind whether this was 
intentional making sure I would be back the next day
to take him on our ride or he truly needed Mr. Bubbles.
The reason made no difference because
I can admit, I loved these outings as much as he did.
It has always been one of our favorite memories that
we have spoken about often through his life.
I was his babysitter, his aunt Lil but 
always, always his friend.
Even today I hope he remembers that I was always
there for him dishing out as much tough love as 
I did tender love. 

Getting that photos of sweet Emalyse brought back
all these memories and so much more.
I wish life was not so busy that she and her brother
could know me better
but just receiving the photo make me realize
that they know Aunt Lil even if it is mostly 
by stories, told by their Dad,
Mr. Bubbles. 
Love you, Dear Miki.


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