Saturday, April 18, 2020

This time in our lives...

I was not going to blog about Corona Virus.
I feel like everyone is worried about it, it 
has changed our world and continues to bring havoc
to our Nation. Yet, in the midst of this Viral War,
I feel like maybe blogging some thoughts may help me
and in turn help a few others.
Being a retired nurse, we were taught about Pandemics.
However, I don't think any of us long ago believed
we would actually see it happen...
And then. it happened.
Preparation went rampant and now, in week three,
it has become real to so many of us.
We all know at least one family who is suffering from the 
virus and we all know at least a few people on the front lines
trying to not only keep this virus contained but putting
their own lives at risk to care for those who are already ill.
Every day there is news of just one more person I know
and love who fights on one of these fronts.
Our World has changed and like all fears,
the worst one is fear of the unknown.
I think of my three little grand girls that I miss so much
and how very glad I am for FaceTime and texting even
when I try to keep it to a minimum when they are here.
I am grateful that their Dad is home to be with them
and keep them busy. Their Mom, i am proud to say
goes every day into her nursing profession working in 
hospice care to make her difference. To have to 
strip and shower before she can love up on her babies.
Then there is my gypsy baby, Jesi and her wife, Del.
who are working very little with fine dining being 
Jesi's specialty. Not many out there needing fine dining
or catering of private parties.
Boredom is beginning to settle in for many and I am
thankful for my artistry work to keep me busy.
Today I decide to post, because yesterday I actually went
somewhere. I had a test at the hospital that could not be
put off any longer. (It all turned out fine, no worries)
As I drove to Thibodaux, another beautiful day made
me aware of how few cars are on the roads.
Is the air clearer because less pollution or
are the days more beautiful because they are not being
taken for granted right now.
Having worked in a hospital or in the medical profession
my whole career life, it was odd to be able to pick my parking spot.
Tape along the floors showing the distance of 6 feet, reminding
us of where to stand. I was at the Wellness Center, so not
many ill there, but a table was set up to check your temperature,
ask you questions all to make a decision as to whether you could
enter the building or not. No one asked for money, no one
checked me in except for making a copy of my insurance card.
Odd as usually they ask for money before a test.
It is just so different, the world we live in at present.
Last post was about making home made cards to send to
people. I never imagined just a few weeks later, we would
be quarantined to our homes, making home made cards
needed a whole lot more. I am so very thankful that
I can bring joy to people through my art and remodeling a doll house
for a friend. I stay busy but to say this has stopped me from missing
my family would be wrong.
I do have a belief in a Higher Power I choose to call God.
I also do not believe he cause this virus as some are believing.
Yet, I do think he may be behind all the changes in our world.
I don't think He loves us any less but sitting closely and watching
how people are beginning to think more of how we have been living,
taking family's, loved ones for granted, taking our world for granted.
He may have gotten tired of seeing all the hate in the World,
the pollution, etc. When someone dies because of complications
from Covid 19, some may ask
"Where is the God who could take this all away?"
I believe He knows that those who pass, who believe
in everlasting life in Heaven, are now with Him.
Yes, we are sad here but he knows these we love
are going to Him. I believe when this is all over,
when the young children of the world even forget this
time in their lives, we will not forget. I hope that we shall
all have more love for our fellow man, we will visit more,
relax more, work less. Tell those we love that we Love them,
not just assume they know. Our hearts are making big changes
and The Big Man, well he likes this I think.
When a pregnancy has always been exciting, now when
i hear of a new pregnancy I am over the top full of happy
for this miracle. such wonderful news when most we hear of
is death. MY godchild/great niece and her sweet "baby daddy"
Brendon are due to have their sweet Theo any day now...
Yet it will be different from before as only them two will
be allowed in the hospital. For some, this is a negative.
For her Mom, my niece and Brendon's Mom,
to not be with them when they welcome their grandchild into
the world, it has to be hard. Yet, as Tedi posted a writing
about how some of it is good, where for a few days it will
be just them three bonding, no visitors coming all hours
at a time when they may be overwhelmed. I have
no doubt that these two will do fine and little Theo will
be kept safe from harm.
One day, hopefully soon, this will become a distant memory
but let all hope that we never forget how lonely life
could be without those we love being close by.
Stay safe my friends, stay safe...
Oh, and if you do venture out....
Don't forget your mask!


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