Friday, January 19, 2018


A year ago, today I had a date with a man
I met on
I had done my back ground check, we had spoken on 
the phone a few times, I picked a local place to meet,
I was excited as I had been for all my Match dates.
I met lots of nice people on Match all good men
and most stayed friends, but no sparks.
So that night, it was a Thursday, I chose Fat Daddy's 
in the front of my street knowing that if things went
well we could continue our date at Lil Daddy's,
where there was a one man band.
If things didn't go well I had my "911 text person"
lined up to get out of the date if I needed.
Yep, always set up someone to rescue me with a 
phone call if I sent a 911 text.
He got out the car with flowers, a tall,
nice looking man, I thought
"there is a lot to like here"
I had broken one of my dating rules,
Something about this guy had me believing 
I should let that one go because even if we just 
became friends, I wanted him to be my friend.
I talked a lot, he nodded his head a lot,
we laugh about that now because he admitted
he didn't hear most of what I said so he just nodded his
head, "Yes"
For whatever reason, I broke another one of my rules
that I had held true,
I invited him to visit my cottage.
Something in him made me want to share my 
beautiful cottage with him.
He was shocked i offered the visit,  but not
more than I was.
We talked more and when he left that night, 
I knew there was more to this one than all the others.
Since that day, one year ago, he has been my
constant Boo. We have learned so much of the other
over this year and I remain so happy that he 
is my boo.
I am interested in where this little story shall take us
but for today,
"Thank you, Boo, for one of the best years I have had
in a long, long time!"

I didn't think a love like this was possible.
I had heard of it but just didn't believe it could be true.
You have showed me another way to love.
Who would have thought I could find a man who
likes junking as much if not more than me,
who had a metal detector and once he found out I 
always wanted one, made sure I got one.
I look forward to the weekends that we share
whether it be at the cottage or your home,
whether we stay in and just hang out or
go junking or detecting, it is always a fun time.
I hope I bring you the calm you sometime need
and thank you for putting up with my eclectic ways,
listening to all my wild ideas,
telling me, "you nailed it" 
every time I sing anything, which is just about always....
I don't know what tomorrow will bring but 
I hope this year is one of many we shall share.
Happy One Year!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2018, DAY TWO...

I've many new years resolutions for 2018,
always do, keep about two throughout the year
but this year, going to make it my year of gratefulness.
Choose a word to be YOUR WORD for the year.
Many years from now, perhaps when I am gone,
my grand girls, their babies may search and find this blog
and remember what Mumsie wanted for all but mostly for
them to remember, so here goes:
Today, day two of 2018

"Humble And Kind"
(written by Lori McKenna)

You know there's a light that glows by the front door
Don't forget the key's under the mat
When childhood stars shine,
Always stay humble and kind

Go to church 'cause your mamma says to
Visit grandpa every chance that you can
It won't be wasted time
Always stay humble and kind

Hold the door, say "please", say "thank you"
Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie
I know you got mountains to climb
But always stay humble and kind
When the dreams you're dreamin' come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride
But always stay humble and kind

Don't expect a free ride from no one
Don't hold a grudge or a chip and here's why:
Bitterness keeps you from flyin'
Always stay humble and kind

Know the difference between sleeping with someone
And sleeping with someone you love
"I love you" ain't no pick-up line
So always stay humble and kind

Hold the door, say "please", say "thank you"
Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie
I know you got mountains to climb
But always stay humble and kind
When those dreams you're dreamin' come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride
But always stay humble and kind

When it's hot, eat a root beer popsicle
Shut off the AC and roll the windows down
Let that summer sun shine
Always stay humble and kind

Don't take for granted the love this life gives you
When you get where you're going don't forget turn back around
And help the next one in line
Always stay humble and kind

If you have not heard this song yet, listen to it,
watch the video on YouTube, it will touch a place
in even the coldest of hearts.
It says all I wish my grand girls and all the other young ones
in my life to remember.

...And this above is my personal 2018 Mantra...
Today, I am grateful for my fireplace, new favorite blankie,
given to me by Ms. Barbara, Boo's mom,
internet so I can share this with you all
and a warm cup of coffee..
Yes, I could be upset as my pipes froze,
but I am not even a little upset about it.
This is the year of happiness, each day better than
the last.
Much love to all of you, pick you 2018 word
and build on it daily!


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