Friday, September 29, 2017

Moments worth dragging out.

Yesterday was a "MUMSIE NEEDED" day.
BB at work and Kd, after a day's work had to take 
the big grand girls to dance so I was asked to help.
"Here I come to save the day...." NOT lol
Anyway, it's hectic on Thursdays at the other Riera home.
Was at the house when the big girls got off bus and
Kd brought me Jemma while she brought the girls to dance.
Jemma and I have come a long way.
She now acknowledges me, "MUAZIE"
and will stay with me without too much fanfare.
Yesterday though she was wanting her Mommy as
she has not been up to par.
To calm her I pushed her on her bike while I got in some
walking. She sang while I hummed.                                             
As the afternoon wore into evening, she started to be cranky
so into the bath where all the Riera grand girls can be 
brought from unhappy to happy with the run of a bath 
of water. She played for a bit then wanted out.
Then came for the best part.
After eating her fave, a big bowl of grits  
she wanted my lap..... my lap!! 
As we rocked and watched TV she nodded off.
I could tell her temp was becoming elevated but
not going to bother her sleep until her Mommy got home.
I rocked, what I love to do, and I stared into the 
beautiful face of this child.
Many memories of other children past rocking
in this very lap, my own babies, many nieces, nephews,
great nieces and nephews.
Just a few weeks ago, I rocked Gypsy's love as she was
having a hard day. 
Oh what a lap and a rock can do to ones soul.
I stared into sweet Jemma's face and thought.
I will rock at two, I will rock at three, I will rock at 6 
and I will rock until their feet drag the floor.
I will rock because I know that sooner than later,
these moments will become far and few between.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Never will I ever say no when a grand girl or an adult ask
"Can you rock me" or just look like it is what they need.
For selfish reasons as well, I get as much out of rocking
as the Rockee. 
I challenge you to do the same, whenever you get the chance.
It will never disappoint you.
.....Oh and if you give the rock a nice push with your foot,
its a good calf exerciser, you can tell a "rocker"
by the size of their calves.
Happy Weekend to all!

Thursday, September 28, 2017


I have told Randy I can't seem to get back to 
my blogging but there is only one way to do it 
and that is to...... DO IT!
So here I am "doing it"

This past weekend Randy boo                                                                                                                   
and I went boat riding.
It was his first since his knee surgery a year ago.
It was my first in his waterways, in his boat.
Most small towns in Louisiana have their
own set of waterways and I was amazed that
we are still in Louisiana as each waterway has its
own unique look, all beautiful in its own way.
We rode in the waterway of BLIND RIVER
where we docked and walked in.....
Swamp, yep swamp... almost like quicksand as we
sank to our ankles in some places.
All to find the TRAPPERS CABIN
that Boo was so excited to show me, a memory of his past.
Once he finally found where it should be,
we looked around and found it!

Sadly it had been carried off by current a bit and was no
longer a standing cabin. The wood, the wood was beautiful!
So many different colors.
It may not have been together but the wood looked
like it would last a lifetime and then some.
I fell in love with the broken down cabin.

Our next stop was a church,
It reminded me of the smallest church of
Fourchon, my home area.
That church was lost in one of the storms and
I will always be thankful for the photographs I took
of our little church just weeks before it "no longer was".
That photo hangs in the home of Baby boy and Kd.
 This little church of Blind River, although had damage to
the wharf, the building was strong, sturdy and gorgeous!
We didn't visit the inside this trip.
It will be one for the future.

Again, I was taking it all in, sitting next to my boo
with many deep thought going through my mind,
keeping most of them to myself.
How I love the waterways of Louisiana,
How although probably most are connected,
each parish seems to have its own look.
How each fancy camp we looked at could not
ever have my love more than my own little cottage.
How so many memories of my past ran through my mind.
Then, the magic happened.
Boo took me to his favorite spot, BAYOU SECRET

...And there it was! HOME!
The small "water trails" of Golden Meadow.
My minds' thoughts of earlier were now
"heart speaks"
I was home!
I stood up near my boo, my arm folded across
his back and I said the words,
"It smells like home!"
Here in Bayou Secret, all my own secrets of childhood
came flooding back.
I right away, missed my Daddy.
The day he could not figure out why he could
not raise the top to give his three little girls shade
only to find out later my sisters neck was caught
between the cross bars of the frame.
The mornings when he whispered in my ear,
"You not feeling good, huh"
Which meant no school for me as he was
on his way to Dufrene's bakery for my favorite cookies
and as soon as that bus passed, we were
getting in that boat for fishing.
As I stood I felt the coolness of a few tears
on my cheek, it was not the hot sweat,
tears from my childhood.
"Happy tears" as the grand girls say.
Yes, for that half hour I was home.
A little girl who was loved beyond measure
by a man who used very few words but showed
me in actions how special I was to him.
It hit me then, it is kind of the way the boo
shows his love to me.
That day was definitely a day I felt the love.
It will forever be another of my very special days
I will never forget with the boo.


 I love a good podcast especially if it is an interview. It makes sense that I was drawn to an interview of an 105 year old woman. The inter...